Candyce VerBurg

“I want to thank you & Sofia for your fashion rescue!  You have put me back in touch with my feminine self & helped to redefine my personal style.  It is a reawakening of my fashion taste.  You have initiated my style transformation, including wardrobe, makeup & body image.  Now I can go out shopping with a clearer idea of what to buy, what colors & styles work best for me & my body type.  This is huge to me as before clothes shopping was just chaos, now I have “definition.”  Even when I look at advertisements, I see things in a whole new light & I know better where to shop and for what.  With this experience you have inspired me to lose that extra winter weight.   (A work also in progress – but it is <all> progress!)  I also really appreciate the LookBook and will enjoy referring back to this anytime I wish.  That is super helpful!

So thank you again providing the Sophisticated Personal Shopping experience.

Best wishes to you both!”

Candyce VerBurg – 06.05.15


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